Microblading and lip blush services

Enhance your natural beauty with our expertly crafted microblading and lip blush services, designed to redefine and elevate your features effortlessly. Microblading is the artistry of sculpting perfect eyebrows through precise, hair-like strokes, creating a beautifully customized and natural-looking result. Meanwhile, our lip blush procedure adds a touch of allure by enhancing the color and contour of your lips, leaving you with a subtly enhanced pout that complements your unique style.
Our skilled technicians blend artistry with precision to bring out the best in your features, ensuring a semi-permanent makeup experience that is both stunning and low-maintenance.

Microblading FAQ

Is microblading really permanent?

While traditional tattoos use a machine to insert ink deeper into the skin, microblading is a manual technique that deposits pigment in a more superficial manner. The term "tattoo" is often associated with permanent body art, but microblading is considered semi-permanent. The pigments used in microblading are designed to fade over time, and the procedure typically lasts for about 1 to 3 years, depending on factors such as skin type, lifestyle, and aftercare. Touch-up sessions may be recommended to maintain the desired appearance.

Does microblading hurt?

Microblading can cause some discomfort, but the level of pain varies from person to person. The procedure involves the use of a manual handheld tool with fine needles to create small incisions in the skin and deposit pigment. Before the microblading session begins, a topical numbing cream is usually applied to the eyebrow area to minimize pain and discomfort during the procedure.

How much does it cost?

All powder or ombre brows cost $500, with $100 for a touchup. Compare this to the cost of cosmetics and the time you spend each day looking right, and the procedure is very cost effective.

Is microblading safe?

When performed by a qualified and experienced technician in a clean and sterile environment, microblading is generally considered safe. However, like any cosmetic procedure, there are potential risks and considerations. Our technicians and facility follow better-than-required standards for sterilization and qualification. Here are some other factors to keep in mind to ensure the safety of a microblading procedure:

Allergies and Sensitivities: Inform your technician of any allergies or sensitivities you may have, especially to pigments or numbing agents used during the procedure.

Medical History: Provide a thorough medical history to your technician. Certain conditions or medications may affect the suitability of the procedure for you.

Aftercare: Follow the aftercare instructions provided by your technician carefully. Proper care during the healing process is crucial to prevent infections and ensure optimal results.

Touch-Up Sessions: Attend any recommended touch-up sessions as they are essential for perfecting the results and ensuring the longevity of the microblading.

While microblading is generally safe, individual responses to the procedure can vary. Potential side effects may include redness, swelling, itching, and, rarely, infection. Serious complications are uncommon but can occur, emphasizing the importance of choosing a reputable and skilled professional like ours.

Before deciding to undergo microblading, consult with a qualified technician, discuss your expectations, and make an informed decision based on your individual circumstances.

What do I need to bring?

Bring a valid government ID, because Florida Health Department regulations state you must be 18 years or older to get a permanent cosmetic procedure. You will need to sign a waiver and consent form before we perform any work. If you are under 18, a parent or guardian must sign and notarize a permission form.
Click here to download minor consent form.

How do you say Cthulhu?

Cthulhu is pronounced "ku-THOO-lu." Click below to hear it out loud!

Microblading Aftercare

Why does aftercare matter?

Aftercare is crucial for the healing process and the final results of a microblading procedure, ensuring good color retention and quick healing. Below are common steps and guidelines to follow after getting microblading, but always listen to your technician, who is familiar with your skin and medical history.

Aftercare essentials

Avoid Water Exposure: Keep the microbladed area dry for the first 7-10 days. This includes avoiding swimming, saunas, hot tubs, and prolonged water exposure.
No Sun Exposure: Protect the treated area from direct sunlight. Sun exposure can cause the pigments to fade and may lead to complications during the healing process.
Avoid Sweating: Minimize physical activity that may cause excessive sweating, as sweat can interfere with the healing process and affect the retention of pigments.
No Touching or Picking: Avoid touching or picking at the microbladed area. Let the scabs and flakes naturally slough off during the healing process.
Use Recommended Aftercare Products: Follow your technician's recommendations for aftercare products, such as ointments or creams. Apply them as instructed to keep the area moisturized and promote healing.
Avoid Makeup and Skincare Products: Avoid applying makeup or skincare products directly on the treated area for the first week. This includes avoiding the use of products containing retinoids or acids.
No Facial Treatments: Avoid facial treatments, chemical peels, and other facial procedures in the treated area for at least four weeks.
Be Gentle During Cleaning: When cleaning the microbladed area, be gentle. Use a mild, non-alcoholic cleanser and a cotton pad or swab. Pat the area dry; do not rub.
Attend Follow-Up Appointments: Attend any scheduled follow-up appointments with your technician. Touch-up sessions are essential for perfecting the results and addressing any areas that may need adjustments.
Avoid Itchy or Tight Clothing: Avoid wearing tight or itchy clothing that may rub against the microbladed area during the initial healing phase.

What products should I use?

Our technicians will be happy to recommend which products are safe to use after your procedure to ensure your continued satisfaction with their work!